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Re: disabling "save as source"?

O.C. Winton WN1Z wrote:
> Sorry if this has been covered before:
> I am thinking of offering web space for sale for people
> wanting to put their genealogy info & family trees etc.
> on the Web.  It would be convenient for me if i could offer
> a deal of "30 days for free, and if you look at it and like
> it, send me the payment, otherwise it gets removed."
> For this to be effective, i'd have to be able to disable their
> ability to just save it as source and post it somewhere else.
> Is there a way to do this with Netscape 2.0 + ?
> Thanks.

I think there is no way to do what you want. Server sends the source (usually
an HTML document) to the client across a TCP connection. Someone who can get
the document can save it as source.

Even if client don┤t allow you to save the source, you can get it directly with
telnet connection to server, for example.



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